2022.01.25 13:05Nation

景気9地域、上方修正 先行き「下振れ注意」―財務省


2022.01.25 13:05Nation

MOF Raises Economic Views for 9 Regions

The Ministry of Finance in a quarterly report released Tuesday revised up its economic assessments for nine of Japan's 11 regions on the back of pickups in consumption and production.
   The nine regions are Hokkaido, Kanto, Hokuriku, Tokai, Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu and Fukuoka. The assessment was left unchanged for Tohoku and lowered for Okinawa.
   The report was compiled at the day's meeting held among heads of the ministry's local finance bureaus to check regional economic conditions in the past three months.
   The ministry upgraded its overall economic assessment for the country for the first time in five quarters. The Japanese economy is picking up gradually, it said.
   As to the economic outlook, the MOF said that "close attention should be paid to the downside risk" amid concerns over the spread of the highly infectious omicron variant of the novel coronavirus and movements of materials prices.


