2022.01.25 11:55Nation

ガソリン高抑制策発動 170円台、27日適用―影響緩和へ異例の措置・経産相


2022.01.25 11:55Nation

Japan to Implement Subsidy Program to Curb Gasoline Prices

Japanese industry minister Koichi Hagiuda said Tuesday that the government will put its new subsidy program aimed at curbing surging gasoline prices into place for the first time ever.
   The average retail price of regular gasoline in Japan looks certain to have reached 170 yen per liter as of Monday, the first such development in about 13 years and four months, meeting the criteria to activate the subsidy program. The latest average pump price, set to be announced by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy on Wednesday, is forecast at 170.20 yen.
   The move by the government is intended to mitigate the impact of surging gasoline prices on people's daily lives.
   The subsidy program will start Thursday, providing oil wholesalers and others with 3.4 yen per liter of gasoline, gas oil, kerosene and fuel oil. The industry ministry will investigate retail price levels in terms of whether and to what extent the subsidies are reflected.
   "While retail prices vary from region to region, we expect that the subsidies will help prevent a sharp rise in oil prices," Hagiuda said at a press conference.


