2022.01.04 07:22Nation

「10増10減」揺れる自民 岸田首相、難しいかじ取り


2022.01.04 07:22Nation

LDP Rocked by Redrawing of Lower House Electoral Map

The ruling Liberal Democratic Party has been rocked by the planned redrawing of single-seat constituencies for the House of Representatives, the powerful lower chamber of Japan's parliament, to correct disparities in the value of votes.
   With many incumbent lawmakers expected to be affected by the seat reallocation, a mitigation proposal has been put forward. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, also LDP president, will likely face difficulties steering the party.
   There was a chorus of dissenting opinions about the constituency rezoning at a meeting of the LDP Research Commission on the Election System in December last year. "The number of lawmakers from rural areas will fall, while that of lawmakers from urban areas will increase. We can't accept that. It goes against the national interest," one participant said.
   The seat reallocation, to be carried out under the so-called Adams method in line with the 2020 census results, calls for eliminating one seat each in 10 prefectures, including Fukushima, Wakayama and Yamaguchi, and distributing them to Tokyo and four prefectures, including Kanagawa and Aichi. The method, introduced as part of the 2016 Lower House electoral system reform law, is aimed at reflecting population distribution more accurately.
   In the first group of 10 prefectures, incumbent LDP lawmakers are likely to compete against each other for the lower numbers of seats in Shiga, Okayama, Yamaguchi and Ehime, where the ruling party swept the constituencies in the previous election in October 2021.


