2022.01.07 16:50Nation

泉立民代表、ネット動画の資金提供「知らなかった」 類似の支出なし

 立憲民主党の代表は7日の記者会見で、討論動画などをインターネット上で配信する「Choose Life Project(CLP)」に同党が資金提供した問題について、「発覚前は知らなかった。把握できる範囲で類似の支出は行っていない」と述べた。

2022.01.07 16:50Nation

CDP under Fire for Sponsoring Online Broadcaster

The main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan has come under fire for allegedly hiding its sponsorship for an online broadcaster for debates and other programs.
   On Wednesday, five people who have appeared on programs of the broadcaster, Choose Life Project, including journalist Daisuke Tsuda, issued a statement protesting the alleged secret sponsorship.
   In a later apology, Choose Life Project said on Twitter that it was sorry for causing a sense of mistrust.
   The CDP's former Secretary-General Tetsuro Fukuyama released a comment on Thursday that having sympathy with the broadcaster's ideals, the party supported its program production including via an advertising agency.
   Fukuyama denied that the party has influenced the content of the broadcaster's programs.


