2022.01.07 11:59Nation

GoTo、今月下旬の再開見送り 斉藤国交相「具体的な時期言えない」

 斉藤鉄夫国土交通相は7日の閣議後記者会見で、全国停止中の観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」について「具体的な再開時期を申し上げる時期ではない」と述べ、1月下旬の再開を事実上見送る意向を示した。

2022.01.07 11:59Nation

Japan to Delay Restart of Go To Travel Campaign

The Japanese government will hold back from restarting its Go To Travel domestic tourism promotion campaign this month, tourism minister Tetsuo Saito suggested Friday.
   The Japan Tourism Agency had indicated that the campaign might be restarted as early as late January if the infection situation would remain calm through the year-end and New Year period, including the upcoming three-day holiday through Monday.
   "We're not at a point where we can announce a specific date for resuming the campaign," Saito told a press conference on Friday. "We're in a situation where we should assume that the spread of (the coronavirus) will proceed rapidly."
   The minister stressed that the basic premise for resuming the tourism campaign is that the infection situation remains calm.


