2022.01.04 14:32Nation

車で運べる小型NMR装置 液体ヘリウム不要、冷凍機で高性能―理研など開発

 NMR装置のメーカーである日本電子の子会社「JEOL RESONANCE」(東京都昭島市)やアイシングループの「イムラ・ジャパン」(愛知県刈谷市)との共同研究で、実用化を目指している。(2022/01/04-14:32)

2022.01.04 14:32Nation

Japan Develops High-End Transportable Molecule Analyzer

A Japanese team has developed a high-performance nuclear magnetic resonance device for nondestructive molecule analysis that can be transported by car, according to government-linked research institute Riken.
   When nuclear magnetic resonance devices are used, their superconductive magnets are usually cooled to minus 269 degrees Celsius with liquid helium in order generate strong magnetic fields.
   But the new device can deliver high performance without being cooled with helium, whose prices have soared due to a global shortage.
   The device, used to identify the compositions of chemical substances and analyze the 3D structures of proteins, was jointly developed by Riken, JEOL Resonance Inc., a unit of nuclear magnetic resonance device maker JEOL Ltd. , and Imra Japan Co. under the wing of automotive parts maker Aisin Corp. .
   "We need to operate a freezer with batteries to keep the device cool while transporting it," Riken engineer Takashi Nakamura has said.


