2021.12.24 18:38Nation

沖縄振興法、10年延長へ 西銘担当相、5年以内の見直し明記


2021.12.24 18:38Nation

Japan to Extend Special Law for Okinawa by 10 Years

Kosaburo Nishime, Japanese minister for issues in Okinawa Prefecture, has announced a plan to extend a special law for the development of the southernmost Japan prefecture by 10 years.
   He unveiled the plan at a press conference Friday. The government plans to submit a bill to revise the law to next year's regular session of parliament. The amendment is expected to come with an additional clause stipulating that a review should be made within five years of the revised law's entry into force.
   The law, which constitutes the basis for implementing central government projects to promote the development of Okinawa, is currently scheduled to expire at the end of March 2022.
   It came into force in 1972, when Okinawa returned to Japanese rule following postwar U.S. occupation, and has been renewed every 10 years. Infrastructure development had been insufficient in Okinawa at the time.
   At issue this time is the length of extension. While Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki has demanded a 10-year extension, some in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party have called for a shorter extension in light of "changes of the times."


