2021.12.24 21:21Nation

「黒い雨」被爆者、救済拡大へ 政府の新指針案受け入れ―広島県と市、早期決着優先


2021.12.24 21:21Nation

Hiroshima Agrees on Black Rain Victim Screening Criteria

The Hiroshima prefectural and city governments said Friday that they will accept proposed screening criteria to recognize hibakusha atomic bomb survivors among people exposed to radioactive "black rain" soon after the 1945 U.S. bombing of the city.
   The criteria were proposed by the Japanese welfare ministry on Thursday during talks with Hiroshima prefectural and city officials. According to the proposal, people who were exposed to the black rain and suffer from specific diseases will be recognized as hibakusha atomic bomb survivors.
   The Hiroshima prefectural and city governments had been demanding that the disease requirements be removed from the criteria.
   Their agreement may allow more people exposed to the black rain to receive aid as hibakusha survivors as the ministry plans to put the criteria into place in April next year.
   Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui said the ministry's proposal does not meet the demands of the Hiroshima side. But "we determined that going ahead with things will benefit more people," he said.


