非化石エネに使用目標 法改正で設定義務付けへ―経産省
Japan Plans to Oblige Firms to Set Targets for Nonfossil Energy Use
Japan's industry ministry plans to oblige business operators to set targets for their use of nonfossil energy sources, such as renewable and nuclear power, it was learned Friday.
According to the plan, presented to a related expert panel on the day, subject to the obligation will be around 12,000 companies, mainly manufacturers, whose annual energy consumption is equivalent to 1,500 kiloliters or more of crude oil.
The ministry aims to submit a related bill to revise the energy-saving law during next year's ordinary parliamentary session, hoping to put the revised law into force in April 2023.
Currently, companies are required to submit plans on making energy-saving efforts. The revised law is seen demanding the plans include targets on the proportion of nonfossil energy use.
The ministry also plans to demand improvement plans from businesses with inadequate regular reports on and measures for nonfossil energy use, and to announce their names in some cases.
大谷新監督「全国の舞台に」 野球