2021.12.14 18:06Nation

利用者情報、保管先公表を義務化 LINE問題受け法改正―総務省


2021.12.14 18:06Nation

Japan to Require Naming of Countries Hosting Servers with User Data

The Japanese government has drawn up a plan to oblige companies to disclose the names of countries in which their server computers storing customers' personal data are located, it was learned Tuesday.
   The communications ministry is slated to submit a related bill to revise the telecommunications business law during next year's ordinary parliamentary session.
   The move follows the revelation in March that the data of users of major messaging app Line had been left available to a Line contractor in China.
   Subject to the planned obligation will be social media firms, mobile carriers, internet search service providers and other operators.
   The government plans to impose administrative punishment, such as issuing a business improvement order, for violating the new disclosure rule.


