2021.11.25 19:55Nation

辺野古移設、設計変更承認せず 再び法廷闘争に―沖縄県


2021.11.25 19:55Nation

Okinawa Rejects Application for Henoko Base Design Changes

Okinawa Prefecture said Thursday that it has decided not to approve the Japanese central government's application for design changes for a plan to relocate a U.S. military base to the prefecture's Henoko district.
   Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki announced the decision to reject the design changes to carry out ground reinforcement work, which has turned out necessary for the relocation of the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma air station in Ginowan, Okinawa, to the Henoko area in Nago.
   As the central government will likely take action against the rejection, the issue is expected to be brought to court.
   In order to change the designs of reclamation work, the central government needs to obtain the prefectural government's approval, based on a related law.
   Okinawa believes that the design changes will affect the ecosystem, including dugongs and rare coral, in the local area.


