2019.12.04 10:49World eye


【パリAFP=時事】フランスの後期印象派の画家ポール・ゴーギャンが仏領ポリネシア・タヒチ島滞在中に手掛けた希少な絵画が3日、仏パリで競売に掛けられ、推定落札価格の2倍近い950万ユーロ(約11億4000万円)で落札された。パリの競売会社アールキュリアルが明らかにした。(写真はフランス・パリの競売会社アールキュリアルで、仏画家ポール・ゴーギャンの作品「Te Bourao」を運ぶ職員)
 落札されたのは、1897年に描かれた作品「Te Bourao II(現地語で『木』の意味)」。今も個人が管理する数少ないゴーギャンのタヒチ時代の作品の一つ。推定落札価格は500万~700万ユーロ(約6億~8億4000万円)だった。
2019.12.04 10:49World eye

Rare Gauguin fetches 9.5 mn euros at Paris auction

A rare canvas by French artist Paul Gauguin from his time in Tahiti fetched 9.5 million euros ($10.5 million) in Paris on Tuesday, nearly twice its estimated value, the auction house said.
The bidding had drawn keen interest amid growing controversy over Gauguin's relationships with young girls on the Polynesian island and his depictions of them.
The 1897 painting, Te Bourao II or tree in the local Tahitian language, had been expected to go for around five to seven million euros.
The buyer is an international collector, the Artcurial auction house said, adding the artwork depicting an evocative Tahiti landscape would remain in France.
It is one of the few paintings from the post-impressionist's Tahiti period still in private hands.
According to Artcurial, the last sale in France of a Gauguin from this period was 22 years ago.
Recent years have seen increasing attention on Gauguin's attitudes to the young women who feature in the paintings of this period.
An exhibition of the painter currently at the National Gallery in London said that it aims to consider Gauguin's relationships and the impact of colonialism through the prisms of contemporary debate.


