2021.11.20 13:28Nation

GoTo、1月下旬再開へ 年末年始の感染踏まえ判断―政府

 政府は、年末年始の新型コロナウイルスの感染状況を踏まえ、来年1月下旬にも観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」を再開する。春の大型連休(GW)中は対象外とし、7月下旬の夏休み前までの実施を想定。コロナワクチンの接種証明や検査の陰性証明の提示を利用条件とし、安心して旅行できる環境整備を目指す。トラベル事業は感染拡大に伴い、昨年12月から停止している。

2021.11.20 13:28Nation

Japan May Resume "Go To Travel" Campaign in Late Jan.

The Japanese government plans to resume its Go To Travel domestic tourism promotion campaign as early as in late January after assessing the novel coronavirus infection situation during the year-end and New Year period.
   After the restart, the travel discount campaign will likely run until late July, before the full-fledged start of the summer holidays, excluding the Golden Week holiday period between late April and early May, sources familiar with the situation said.
   Users of the campaign will be required to show coronavirus vaccination proof or COVID-19 negative test results. The campaign has been suspended since December last year due to a resurgence of infections.
   When the campaign is resumed, 30 pct of travel costs will be covered by subsidies per person per night, down from 35 pct before the suspension, with a limit of 10,000 yen, down from 14,000 yen. The smaller discount will be for preventing demand from concentrating on high-end hotels.
   The value of shopping coupons that can be used at travel destinations will also be reduced, from 15 pct of travel costs, with a limit of 6,000 yen, to a fixed amount of 3,000 yen for weekdays and 1,000 yen for holidays. The gap between the coupon values is intended to divert travel demand to weekdays from holidays.


