2021.11.19 17:30Nation

霧島神宮を国宝に、文化審答申 ニッカウヰスキー蒸留所は重文


2021.11.19 17:30Nation

Kirishima Jingu Shrine Recommended as National Treasure in Japan

A Japanese government panel advised the culture minister on Friday to designate the Kirishima Jingu shrine in Kagoshima Prefecture, southwestern Japan, as a national treasure.
   The Council for Cultural Affairs also recommended 10 sets of buildings, including Nikka Whisky Distilling Co.'s Yoichi Distillery in Hokkaido, northernmost Japan, as important cultural properties.
   Kirishima Jingu, which has been an important cultural property since 1989, has a history linked to Japanese mythology. It was rebuilt in 1715 by a local feudal lord.
   The panel said that the shrine is important in terms of cultural history as it features colorful decorations including pillars adorned with dragon sculptures.
   Yoichi Distillery was founded by Masataka Taketsuru, known as the father of Japanese whisky. A group of 10 buildings, built in 1931-1942, will be designated an important cultural property. The buildings include storage facilities featuring red roofs and stone walls.


