時短要請、11月にも全面解除 水際対策も緩和の方向―山際担当相
Requests for Shorter Biz Hours May Be Fully Lifted in Nov.
Japanese economic revitalization minister Daishiro Yamagiwa indicated Sunday that administrative authorities' requests for restaurants and bars to cut operating hours amid the novel coronavirus crisis will be entirely removed in November.
"We will consider fully lifting requests for shorter operating hours unless new infection cases increase again," Yamagiwa said in a television program. "From November, people will possibly be able to live their lives with no coronavirus-related restrictions in place," he added.
Yamagiwa also said the government is preparing to further ease the measure in which the period of quarantining at home or other facilities is shortened to 10 days for people entering Japan from abroad who have COVID-19 vaccination certificates. "We will work on this quickly," he said.
On the issue of beds at hospitals that were reported to authorities for use for COVID-19 patients but were not used actually for that purpose, Yamagiwa hinted at the possibility of releasing the names of such hospitals.