2021.10.07 17:35Nation

すぎやまこういちさん死去 「ドラクエ」作曲家、90歳

 CMやアニメ、映画音楽など多彩なジャンルの楽曲も手掛け、ゲームソフト「ドラゴンクエスト」の音楽は86年の発売以来、シリーズの全楽曲500曲以上を担当した。88年には「交響組曲 ドラゴンクエストIIIIII」で日本レコード大賞特別企画賞を受賞。今夏の東京五輪開会式では、選手入場の際にドラクエの「ロトのテーマ」が使用された。

2021.10.07 17:35Nation

"Dragon Quest" Music Composer Koichi Sugiyama Dies

Japanese music composer Koichi Sugiyama, widely known for creating music for the popular role-playing video game series "Dragon Quest", died of septic shock on Sept. 30. He was 90.
   Sugiyama, a Tokyo native, started creating music when he was in high school.
   After graduating from the University of Tokyo, he worked at Nippon Cultural Broadcasting Inc. and Fuji Television Network Inc. Until leaving Fuji Television in 1965, he wrote music while working as a director.
   He brought into the world a number of hit songs, including "Hana no Kubikazari" performed by "group sounds" band The Tigers, "Koi no Fuga" by pop duo The Peanuts and "Gakuseigai no Kissaten" by folk rock group Garo.
   "Amairo no Kami no Otome," a song he originally created for group sounds band Village Singers, was covered by other artists, including female singer Hitomi Shimatani, and is loved by a wide range of generations.


