2021.09.27 07:03Nation

路上生活者のコロナワクチン接種本格化 支援団体通じ呼び掛け―自治体


2021.09.27 07:03Nation

Japan Steps Up Efforts to Vaccinate Homeless People

Local governments in Japan are stepping up efforts to vaccinate as many homeless people as possible against the novel coronavirus.
   Local governments are working with support groups to encourage homeless people to get vaccinated, although many such people have not received vaccination tickets due to the absence of permanent addresses.
   The office of Tokyo's Taito Ward started in late August informing homeless people of its vaccination program through a support group, and carried out the first round of mass vaccinations on Sept. 10 and 11 at a local labor and welfare center.
   The office distributed numbered tickets to applicants in advance at the center. For those who did not have ID documents, personnel of the ward office interviewed them to get their names and dates of birth, and used the information for checking on the days of vaccination.
   A total of 89 people in their 30s to 80s who spend time on the streets, at internet cafes or other locations received shots of U.S. drug giant Pfizer Inc.'s COVID-19 vaccine.


