2021.09.26 21:43Nation

3氏、改憲「未来志向で」 高市氏、私権制限の明確化主張―自民総裁選


2021.09.26 21:43Nation

3 LDP Candidates Vow Future-Oriented Constitution Reform

Three of the four candidates for president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party expressed their readiness on Sunday to work to achieve the LDP's four proposals for amending Japan's Constitution in a future-oriented way.
   In an online debate focusing on constitutional amendments and education policy, regulatory reform minister Taro Kono, former LDP Research Council Chairman Fumio Kishida and LDP Acting Executive Secretary-General Seiko Noda expressed their commitment to the party proposals, including one that calls for the existence of the Self-Defense Forces to be spelled out clearly in the supreme charter's pacifist Article 9.
   Former internal affairs minister Sanae Takaichi sought the clarification of limits on private rights in the Constitution, in addition to the four proposed items.
   Kono, 58, proposed that the LDP should discuss constitutional amendments with opposition parties in parliament and put agreements to national referendums in sequence. "I want to work on the issue in a future-oriented way," he said.
   Kishida, 64, said it is important to clarify the SDF in the Constitution in order to put an end to the arguments that brand the SDF as unconstitutional. "I want to push forward the proposal toward the future" and reform the Constitution into the people's charter, he said.


