2021.09.23 04:12Nation

菅首相、ワクチン6000万回分供給 国際支援を上積み


2021.09.23 04:12Nation

Japan to Boost Vaccine Contributions to 60 M. Doses in Total

Japan will make additional COVID-19 vaccine contributions to support the COVAX international vaccine-sharing program so that the total number of doses supplied by the country will reach up to 60 million.
   Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga unveiled the plan in a video message sent to the Global COVID-19 Summit, which was organized by the U.S. government, on Wednesday.
   In the message, Suga explained that Japan has already provided approximately 23 million doses of COVID vaccine to various countries and regions across the world.
   "In order to save as many lives as possible, we have been providing assistance to countries to strengthen their response capabilities to the pandemic by providing oxygen concentrators and ventilators," the prime minister said. "Japan will continue such assistance in order to overcome this public health crisis."


