2021.09.20 21:52Nation

柏崎刈羽原発、火災感知器に不備 不適正な場所に設置―規制委


2021.09.20 21:52Nation

Fire Detectors Installed Improperly at TEPCO N-Plant

Some fire detectors are installed at inappropriate places at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant in Niigata Prefecture, central Japan, it was learned Monday.
   The problem may lead to a delay in detecting a fire.
   The fire service law's enforcement regulations stipulate that fire and smoke detectors be installed at least 1.5 meters away from an air conditioner vent.
   In February, an inspection found that a smoke detector in the No. 7 reactor's storage battery chamber did not meet installation requirements, according to officials at TEPCO and the government's Nuclear Regulation Authority.
   As a similar problem was found elsewhere at the No. 7 reactor in April, TEPCO started to check about 2,000 smoke and fire detectors at the power plant in June. The results will be announced in the near future.


