2021.09.15 20:49Nation

野田氏、推薦人確保へ詰め 石破氏は不出馬表明―自民総裁選17日告示


2021.09.15 20:49Nation

Noda Makes Last Efforts to Assemble Supporters for LDP Race

Seiko Noda, who aims to run in the leadership election for Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party for the first time, continued her efforts on Wednesday to collect the support of party lawmakers.
   Noda, 61, executive acting secretary-general of the LDP, has secured the support of at least 20 party lawmakers, the minimum number needed for a bid for the election, a person close to her said.
   Also on Wednesday, former LDP Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba, 64, said that he will not file candidacy for the LDP race.
   Intraparty factions excluding one headed by former LDP policy chief Fumio Kishida, 64, who has declared his candidacy for the party presidency, are expected to allow members to vote for the candidates they support individually.
   So far, Kishida, former Internal Affairs and Communications Minister Sanae Takaichi, 60, and regulatory reform minister Taro Kono, 58, have announced that they will run in the LDP election on Sept. 29.


