2021.08.29 07:14Nation

日本人の「9.11哀歌」 テロ20年、跡地で絵画展示―NY

 【ニューヨーク時事】2001年9月11日の米同時テロで崩壊したニューヨークの世界貿易センタービル跡地にある「9.11追悼記念博物館」に、犠牲者を静かに追悼する絵画がある。「森の星たち 9.11の哀歌」。半世紀を超えてニューヨークに住み、同時テロを実体験した日本人画家、中川直人さん(77)の思いが凝縮した作品だ。

2021.08.29 07:14Nation

Japanese Painter's Work Offers Prayer for Sept. 11 Victims

At the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York, a painting by Japanese artist Naoto Nakagawa offers a silent tribute to those who died in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
   The painting, titled Stars of the Forest: Elegy for 9/11, encapsulates the thoughts of the 77-year-old painter, who personally experienced the attacks during his over 50 years of living in New York.
   The artwork was created in three and a half months from early September 2001, or just before the attacks, at a studio only 10 minutes' walk away from the World Trade Center, the site of the attacks.
   Nakagawa originally planned to paint the magical view of star-shaped moss he had seen in New York. But seeing firsthand the horrors of the terror attacks prompted him to make the artwork a tribute to the lives lost.
   He drew each moss to seem as if it was shining, representing the shine of life. He arranged the moss to form a cross, and used red, white and blue, the colors of the U.S. national flag.


