2021.09.03 13:37Nation

「菅離れ」止まらず出馬断念 自民、衆院選へ危機感強く


2021.09.03 13:37Nation

Sense of Crisis in LDP Leads Suga to Leave

A sense of crisis within the Japanese ruling Liberal Democratic Party ahead of the House of Representatives election has led Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga to announce an effective decision to step down from the post.
   Suga, also president of the LDP, said Friday that he will not run in the party's leadership election, set for Sept. 29. Public support rates for the Suga cabinet have dived, with the public increasingly dissatisfied with his government's COVID-19 countermeasures.
   Numerous LDP members have voiced frustration at Suga, with one of them saying that "we cannot fight (the Lower House election)" under Suga. The election for the all-important lower chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament, must be held by this autumn.
   Suga is believed to have decided to leave after being pressed to step down directly by an incumbent minister of his cabinet, sources said.
   Under the severe environment surrounding his administration, Suga has decided to replace Toshihiro Nikai, the powerful secretary-general of the LDP, who has strongly backed him.


