2021.08.29 20:26Nation

ゴム栓の一部混入か 沖縄の事例、ワクチン準備時―厚労省


2021.08.29 20:26Nation

Rubber Stoppers Likely behind Vaccine Problem in Okinawa

Most of the foreign materials in Moderna Inc. COVID-19 vaccine found in Okinawa Prefecture are believed to have been fragments of rubber stoppers of vials, the health ministry said Sunday.
   There should be no problem with the quality of the batch of Moderna vaccine in question, the ministry also said.
   In the southernmost Japan prefecture, the substances were found inside a vial and four syringes during work to transfer vaccine from vials to syringes between Friday and Saturday.
   The vial and three syringes contained black substances, while the remaining syringe contained a pink substance.
   Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. , the distributor of the vaccine in Japan, has confirmed that none of the vials related to the problem contained foreign materials before the work, according to the ministry.


