G7会議、来週開催で合意 アフガンめぐり意見交換―米英首脳
G-7 Leaders to Discuss Afghan Situation Next Week
U.S. President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson agreed in telephone talks Tuesday to hold a videoconference among the leaders of the Group of Seven major industrial nations next week for discussions on the situation in Afghanistan.
The leaders of the seven countries--Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States--will talk about "a common strategy and approach" on the Afghan situation, the White House said. The European Union is seen taking part in the G-7 summit.
This was Biden's first phone conversation with a foreign leader since the Taliban took control of the Afghan capital of Kabul on Sunday. Britain currently serves as chair of the G-7 framework.
Biden and Johnson discussed "the need for continued close coordination among allies and democratic partners on Afghanistan policy going forward, including ways the global community can provide further humanitarian assistance and support for refugees and other vulnerable Afghans," according to the White House.
There is a growing view that the United States' stance of sticking to its decision to pull its troops out of Afghanistan has led to the rise of the Taliban. At the videoconference, Biden is expected to justify the troop withdrawal and ask his G-7 partners to take a coordinated approach on dealing with the situation in Afghanistan, informed sources said.