2021.07.27 08:33Nation

漁獲枠拡大を協議 クロマグロで国際会議


2021.07.27 08:33Nation

Int'l Panel Begins Talks on Bluefin Tuna Catch Quota Expansion

A joint working group of international fisheries resources management bodies kicked off an online meeting on Tuesday to discuss measures to manage Pacific bluefin tuna resources.
   Japan has proposed for the fourth year in a row to increase bluefin tuna catch quotas, arguing that fish stocks are recovering.
   Talks at the meeting, which will be held until Thursday, are expected to hit rough waters, as the United States is seen rejecting Japan's proposal based on its argument that bluefin tuna resources need to be protected.
   The meeting is held by the joint working group comprising members from the Northern Committee of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission and the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission.
   The WCPFC Northern Committee consists of Japan, the United States, Taiwan and seven other economies. The IATTC is made up of 21 members, including Japan, the United States and Mexico.


