2021.07.16 21:41Nation

「表現の不自由展」大阪で 主催者「まず見て、感じて」―直前に脅迫文、警戒強化


2021.07.16 21:41Nation

Art Exhibition Featuring Comfort Women Statue Opens in Osaka

An art exhibition featuring a statue of a girl symbolizing so-called comfort women opened in the western Japan city of Osaka on Friday.
   The statue was shown in the "After 'Freedom of Expression?'" event held in the central prefecture of Aichi in 2019, which was once suspended due to criticism of the statue.
   Comfort women, mostly Koreans, were forced to provide sex for Japanese troops before and during World War II. This remains a sensitive issue between Japan and South Korea.
   The Osaka event, "Non-Freedom of Expression Exhibition," is set to run through Sunday. Organizers received threatening letters.
   Police officers were deployed to ensure security, while lawyers were present to deal with possible trouble. Outside the venue, a person with a loudspeaker protested against the exhibition.


