首都圏、まん延防止延長で調整 新型コロナ感染増加続けば―政府
Japan Eyes Virus Pre-emergency Extension for Greater Tokyo
The Japanese government is seen extending the novel coronavirus pre-emergency designation for the greater Tokyo area beyond the July 11 expiration if infections continue to spread, sources said Wednesday.
The extension for Tokyo and the three neighboring prefectures of Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa will be decided next week, according to the government sources.
The government believes that the current restrictions on business hours for restaurants and bars and their sales of alcoholic drinks should be maintained in the greater Tokyo area.
In Tokyo on Wednesday, the number of new coronavirus cases rose from a week before for the 11th straight day.
Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga told a meeting of ministers on coronavirus measures the same day that the number of new infection cases is growing in Tokyo while remaining low in many other areas.