菅首相、陛下「懸念」発言は西村長官の見解 東京五輪時のコロナ拡大
Suga Dismisses Claim of Emperor's Concerns over Tokyo Games
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga on Friday brushed aside a government official's claim of Emperor Naruhito's concerns about holding the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics amid the coronavirus crisis.
On Thursday, Imperial Household Agency Grand Steward Yasuhiko Nishimura told a press conference that the Emperor appears to be concerned that holding the Tokyo Games this summer could spread infections, amid worries among the public about the events.
Suga told reporters that he understands Nishimura "expressed his own opinion."
Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato was asked at a press conference whether it is appropriate for the grand steward to surmise what the Emperor thinks and make it public.
"We don't believe there is a problem in terms of the Constitution," Kato said. Article 4 of the Constitution bans the Emperor's involvement in politics.