2021.06.23 07:24Nation

「見切り発車」で五輪へ コロナ禍、不確かな安全安心―東京五輪、あと1カ月〔五輪〕


2021.06.23 07:24Nation

Doubts over Olympics Prevail 1 Month before Opening

Japan is far from being in a festive mood although the Tokyo Olympics, postponed by one year from 2020 due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, is set to start in a month as doubts over the safety of the event are growing amid the lingering health crisis.
   A decision to accept a limited number of spectators at each venue of the Olympic Games was decided on Monday by top officials of the Tokyo Games organizing committee, the Tokyo metropolitan government, the Japanese government, the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee.
   Measures to prevent the spread of infections among athletes and related officials have been devised, but it remains uncertain whether the country can hold the games safely and securely.
   The decision to set the maximum number of fans at the lower of 10,000 or 50 pct of venue capacity, excluding people related to the event, was made at a time when the country is supposed to be putting final touches ahead of the July 23 opening ceremony of the Olympics. It is questioned whether the cap is strict enough to ensure safety.
   "Nothing is ready," said a person related to the organizing committee. "We've constantly been jumping the gun."


