2021.06.22 17:27Nation

英語民間と記述式、共通テスト断念 「実現困難」、個別入試で推進―文科省会議


2021.06.22 17:27Nation

Panel Negative about Private English Tests for Unified Exam

An expert panel set up by Japan's education ministry said Tuesday it is difficult to introduce private-sector English tests and open-ended questions for the country's unified university entrance examination.
   In its draft recommendations, the panel called on universities to promote the use of private-sector English tests for their own entrance exams to assess test takers' reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, as well as open-ended questions.
   Once the panel comes up with final recommendations, the ministry will issue guidelines on university entrance exams for fiscal 2024 as early as this summer, based on them.
   On the use of private-sector English tests for the unified exam, the panel said it is difficult to resolve in a short time issues such as high fees and regional gaps on access to exam venues.
   The panel rejected a proposal that the National Center for University Entrance Examinations, which is in charge of the unified exam, develops an exam to assess English speaking and writing skills. There is difficulty in guaranteeing accurate marking, it said.


