2021.06.20 00:41Nation

小此木氏が横浜市長選に出馬調整 現職閣僚、IR反対へ


2021.06.20 00:41Nation

Cabinet Member Okonogi Seen Joining Yokohama Mayoral Race

Japanese National Public Safety Commission Chairman Hachiro Okonogi is preparing to run in the Yokohama mayoral election set for Aug. 22, informed sources have said.
   Okonogi, a 55-year-old member of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, is seen expressing opposition to a proposal to host an integrated resort including a casino in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, which is expected to be a key election issue, according to the LDP sources.
   Okonogi is a lawmaker of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament. He represents a constituency in Yokohama, near Tokyo.
   Elected eight times so far to the Diet, Okonogi heads the LDP's Kanagawa prefectural chapter. He is close to Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, elected from a different Lower House constituency in the same city.
   Okonogi has conveyed his intent to join the mayoral race to Suga, the sources said. Okonogi will leave the cabinet and the Lower House if he runs.


