2021.06.18 16:36Nation

五輪観戦、「直行直帰」求める 組織委、観客向けガイドライン案公表


2021.06.18 16:36Nation

Olympic Spectators Urged Not to Stop on Way Home

Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics spectators will be urged not to stop on their way from their homes to the games' venues and vice versa, according to draft guidelines for them released by the events' organizers on Friday.
   Spectators will be also asked to avoid group eating and drinking at Tokyo Games venues.
   Whether they will be allowed to drink alcohol at venues will be decided later, based on Japan's domestic measures against the coronavirus pandemic.
   "We're considering asking spectators such as those cheering loudly without wearing face masks to leave venues," Tokyo Games Delivery Officer Hidemasa Nakamura told reporters after a meeting of pandemic experts on the day.
   The Tokyo Games organizing committee, the Japanese government, the International Olympic Committee and two other parties will shortly decide a cap on the number of spectators at each venue.


