沖縄、緊急事態の延長要請 大阪は「まん延防止」
Osaka to Seek Virus Pre-emergency after Lifting of Emergency
The Osaka prefectural government decided Wednesday to demand that almost all areas of the western Japan prefecture be put in the COVID-19 pre-emergency stage after the ongoing state of emergency is lifted on Sunday.
The pre-emergency designation allows governors to impose restrictions similar to those taken under the state of emergency.
Reflecting the opinions of experts, the prefectural government judged it necessary to use the pre-emergency stage to prevent a resurgence of infections after the state of emergency is lifted, as highly infectious mutated strains have been confirmed in the prefecture.
The decision was made in a meeting of the Osaka government's task force for tackling the coronavirus crisis.
At the outset of the meeting, Osaka Governor Hirofumi Yoshimura said, "I'm opposed to simply lifting the state of emergency as a rebound in infection needs to be prevented. It's important that the pre-emergency measures be implemented so that anti-infection steps continue to be taken."