2021.06.11 08:46Nation

不妊治療「受けにくい」4割超 意識調査、欧州より高く―少子化白書


2021.06.11 08:46Nation

More People Feel Fertility Care Difficulty in Japan

More people feel difficulty in taking fertility treatment in Japan than in France, Germany and Sweden, a Japanese government survey showed Friday.
   The survey showed that 44.6 pct of respondents in Japan aged 20 to 49 said they think it is not easy to take fertility treatment.
   The proportion is higher than in France, at 12.3 pct, Germany, at 16.6 pct, and Sweden, at 10.0 pct.
   Of those in Japan who said it is not easy to take the treatment, 91.8 pct, the highest proportion, cited high costs as their reason.
   High costs were the most cited reason in the European countries as well, with 76.5 pct giving the response in Germany.


