2021.06.10 11:26Nation

コロナワクチン、全国から予約可能に 国の大規模接種、対象地域拡大―予約枠に空き


2021.06.10 11:26Nation

SDF-Run Mass Vaccinations to Be Available across Japan

The Defense Ministry plans to accept reservations from across Japan for COVID-19 vaccine shots at mass vaccination sites operated by the Self-Defense Forces in Tokyo and Osaka, sources familiar with the plan said Thursday.
   Currently, residents aged 65 or older in Tokyo, Osaka and five other prefectures can make appointments for vaccinations at the SDF-run sites in the Japanese capital and the western Japan city of Osaka.
   The expansion of eligible areas comes as many reservation slots for the period through June 27 remain unfilled, according to the sources.
   The minimum age of people who can be vaccinated at the sites will be maintained at 65.
   Reservations, currently accepted only online, will become available also by phone, as some aged people are struggling to use the internet, the sources said.


