2021.06.04 19:16Nation

1隻でサンマもイワシも 不漁対策、「脱専業」提言―水産庁検討会


2021.06.04 19:16Nation

Fishers Encouraged to Catch Multiple Varieties of Fish

A panel of Japan's Fisheries Agency in a report Friday called on fishers to shift away from their current practice of catching only one variety of fish per vessel as a solution to recent poor catches of saury, Japanese flying squid and salmon.
   They are encouraged to catch multiple varieties of fish, including sardine, whose stock is increasing. The agency is set to work out details of support measures.
   The report partly attributed poor catches of saury, Japanese flying squid and salmon to an increase in global warming. Saury and Japanese flying squid catches in 2019 stood at record-low levels of 46,000 tons and 40,000 tons, respectively, both down more than 90 pct from their peaks.
   The agency is working to manage fish resources strictly by setting a catch limit for each species. But the report warned that poor catches of the three fish varieties "may continue for a long period of time" amid changes in the marine environment.
   A recovery in saury and Japanese flying squid stocks remains uncertain also due to overfishing by Chinese and other foreign fishing vessels.


