2019.11.12 18:15Nation

日本人男性、香港デモで負傷 邦人初、命に別条なし


2019.11.12 18:15Nation

Japanese Man Injured in Hong Kong Protest

A Japanese man was injured amid escalating protests in Hong Kong on Monday, Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi revealed Tuesday.
   The man, in his 50s, is not in critical condition. He has received treatment and already left a hospital, Motegi told a press conference.
   The man is believed to be the first Japanese to be hurt in the prolonged protests in Hong Kong.
   The Japanese consulate-general in Hong Kong contacted the man on Monday and confirmed his injury, and it is now checking the extent of the injury and the situation in which it happened, according to the Foreign Ministry.
   "We will continue offering the utmost necessary support from the standpoint of protecting Japanese nationals in foreign countries," Motegi said.


