2021.05.10 12:24Nation

菅首相、五輪「安全安心な大会」へ全力 枝野氏、中止・延期迫る―衆院予算委


2021.05.10 12:24Nation

Suga Adamant in Pledge to Hold Tokyo Olympics

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga on Monday reiterated his commitment to holding the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games this summer despite calls from the opposition to reconsider.
   "We'll do all we can to achieve safe and secure games while protecting the lives and health of citizens," Suga told a meeting of the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of Japan's parliament.
   Suga was responding to a demand by Yukio Edano, head of the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, that the games be canceled or postponed again amid the unabated novel coronavirus crisis.
   "It's impossible to (hold the games) and protect the lives and livelihoods of citizens at the same time," Edano said. "A decision cannot be put off any further."
   Suga said that the government will thoroughly implement infection prevention measures such as limiting the movement of participating athletes and revoking their qualifications if they violate the rules.


