2021.05.05 07:17Nation

アプリで搾乳量向上 乳牛管理にIT活用―「スマート酪農」中小支援・岩手大

 牛に取り付けたセンサーで発情や病気の兆候を早期把握する研究も進めており、今後、機能を充実させたい考え。アプリは6日から「App Store」でダウンロードでき、専門商社「」(大阪市)が販売する。(2021/05/05-07:17)

2021.05.05 07:17Nation

App Developed for Better Milk Cow Management

A research team of Iwate University has developed a tablet computer app allowing better health management for milk cows, Jiji Press has learned.
   The app, dubbed DairyASSIST, which is easy to operate, is designed to increase milk output and support small dairy farms struggling amid shortages of staff, according to the team, including Keiji Okada, professor at the Faculty of Agriculture at the university in Iwate Prefecture, northeastern Japan.
   The app enabling smart dairy farming was first developed for farmers in Hokkaido and will be launched in the northernmost Japan prefecture on Thursday. The app, to be sold by trader Inabata & Co. , can be downloaded from Apple Inc.'s App Store.
   The team aims to release the app for dairy farmers in other prefectures as well. Hokkaido is one of the largest dairy farming areas in Japan.
   Small dairy farms have tens to hundreds of cows, having to manage their health conditions, as well as data on feeding, milking, artificial insemination and calving, every day. Some farmers take notes by hand to manage such data, relying on their experience and intuition.


