2021.04.28 12:07Nation

福島第2原発の廃炉計画認可 東電、64年度完了目指す―規制委


2021.04.28 12:07Nation

Japan OKs Decommissioning Plan for Fukushima No. 2 N-Plant

Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority on Wednesday approved a plan for the decommissioning of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Fukushima No. 2 nuclear power station.
   TEPCO aims to complete the four-stage decommissioning process in fiscal 2064.
   The costs to dismantle the plant with four reactors are estimated at 282.2 billion yen. There will be other expenses, including those to process spent nuclear fuel.
   In the first 10-year stage, TEPCO will survey the extent of nuclear contamination and conduct decontamination work.
   The equipment and buildings will be demolished from the second stage. Detailed plans will be drawn up later in line with the extent of contamination and other factors.


