2021.04.20 23:24Nation

G7外相、5月に対面会議 2年ぶり、ロンドンで開催


2021.04.20 23:24Nation

In-Person Meeting of G-7 Foreign Chiefs to Be Held in May

-The foreign ministers of the Group of Seven major industrial countries will hold their first in-person meeting in about two years in London on May 3-5, the British government said Tuesday.
   From Japan, Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi is expected to attend the G-7 gathering.
   Although international meetings had mostly been held by videoconference since the coronavirus pandemic began, Brittan, where the infection situation has recently improved, decided on the return to the in-person style of talks.
   According to the British government, during the G-7 meeting, COVID-19 testing will be conducted on a daily basis on all staff and attendees and all domestic social distancing guidelines will be in force.
   Britain also plans to host a G-7 summit in June.


