2021.04.20 18:42Nation

21年サンマ漁獲枠、過去最低 15万トン、保護徹底―水産庁


2021.04.20 18:42Nation

Japan to Cut 2021 Saury Catch Quota to Record Low

The Fisheries Agency on Tuesday unveiled a draft plan to cut Japan's saury catch quota for 2021 to a record low of 155,335 tons, down 41.2 pct from the previous year.
   Based on an international agreement, Japan aims to reduce its 2021 quota by more than 40 pct from the current provisional level of 264,000 tons, unchanged from 2020.
   Amid historic poor saury catches, Japan will step up its efforts to conserve fish stocks for a future recovery, informed sources said.
   The agency presented the draft plan at a meeting with domestic fishers. It will be formally adopted in the near future after a meeting of the Fisheries Policy Council, which advises the fisheries minister.
   Pacific saury stocks are believed to be decreasing due to higher seawater temperatures and aggressive fishing by China and Taiwan in the high seas before sauries reach Japanese coastal waters.


