2021.04.19 07:04Nation

家康称賛の「江川酒」復活 果実の甘み、信長も酔う?―320年前の方法で・静岡


2021.04.19 07:04Nation

Japanese Brewery Recreates Feudal-Era Sake

A sake brewery in Shizuoka Prefecture, central Japan, has recreated a sake beloved by feudal warlords including the founder of the Tokugawa shogunate launched in the early 17th century.
   The Bandai Jozo brewery in the city of Izu has recreated Egawashu, a fruity and sweet sake brewed using techniques from over 320 years ago.
   "I didn't expect to make such a tasty sake," said Shizuo Ina, 74, chief brewer at Bandai Jozo. "I hope people will enjoy it feeling as if they were (Tokugawa shogunate founder) Tokugawa Ieyasu."
   Egawashu was passed down in the Egawa family, a prestigious family dating back to the Heian period of the eighth to 12th centuries. Egawa family members served as "daikan" local governors in Nirayama, now the city of Izunokuni, Shizuoka, for generations.
   The drink was named by Hojo Soun, the first head of the later Hojo clan, and enjoyed by many warlords including Oda Nobunaga, according to Takayuki Hashimoto, 68, curator at Egawa Bunko, a foundation that manages the Egawa Residence, a national important cultural property, and the national historical site of the former Nirayama daikan office.


