IAEA基準適合なら「反対しない」 原発処理水放出で韓国外相
S. Korea May Accept Fukushima Water Release under IAEA Standards
South Korean Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong said Monday that his country would not necessarily oppose Japan's planned release of Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant water to the sea if the water release is found to meet International Atomic Energy Agency standards.
Chung told a parliamentary meeting that Japan should put forward scientific evidence on the safety of the treated radioactive water to be released from the disaster-crippled Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. power station, hold sufficient talks with South Korea, and allow a South Korean expert to take part in an IAEA study on the planned water release.
The minister claimed that Japan is obliged to disclose related information in a transparent way and hold adequate consultations, adding that South Korea is waiting to see whether Japan will meet these obligations.
He indicated that South Korea could initiate an international dispute settlement process if Japan is judged to have failed to take sufficient action.
The South Korean government is considering filing a suit with the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea over the matter.