緊急事態宣言「速やかに検討」 東京・大阪、要請あれば―政府
Japan to Swiftly Consider Declaring State of Emergency: Kato
Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato indicated on Monday a need to consider swiftly whether to declare another coronavirus state of emergency if asked to do so by Tokyo and Osaka Prefecture.
If the Tokyo metropolitan government and the Osaka prefectural government request that the central government declare a state of emergency again, the Japanese government "should consider (the requests) at once," Kato said at a press conference.
The central government has been bolstering coronavirus measures in Tokyo and Osaka, which have seen sharp rises in the number of new coronavirus cases, after placing the Japanese capital and the western prefecture in the coronavirus pre-emergency stage.
Noting that the number of new coronavirus cases in Osaka has continued to rise, Kato said, "We are extremely concerned" about the situation.
The medical care system in Osaka is in an especially tough situation, Kato said.