2021.03.26 11:24Nation

地元観光、国が財政支援 1泊最大7000円、都道府県に―GoTo再開は6月以降

 赤羽一嘉国土交通相は26日の閣議後記者会見で、新型コロナウイルスの感染が落ち着いている都道府県が地元住民を対象に行う観光支援事業に対し、財政支援すると明らかにした。1人1泊当たり7000円を上限に政府が補助する。政府の観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」の全国停止が長引いているためで、感染拡大を抑えながら需要喚起につなげる。

2021.03.26 11:24Nation

Japan to Aid Local Tourism Promotion Initiatives

Japan will give financial aid to tourism promotion initiatives aimed at local residents by prefectures with few coronavirus infections, tourism minister Kazuyoshi Akaba said Friday.
   Akaba also said that the government is considering resuming the Go To Travel subsidy campaign, currently on hiatus due to the virus epidemic, in June or later.
   Under the new aid program, the government will give up to 7,000 yen per person per night for trips under the prefectural initiatives.
   The move aims to spur travel demand while containing infections amid the prolonged suspension of the nationwide Go To Travel campaign.
   The aid program will run from April to the end of May, and will be funded by 300 billion yen from the Go To Travel budget.


