2021.02.22 20:18Nation

3府県、23日に解除要請 緊急宣言、2月末で―新型コロナ


2021.02.22 20:18Nation

Kyoto, Hyogo to Request Early Lifting of Virus Emergency

The Kyoto and Hyogo prefectural governments Monday decided to ask the central government to lift the coronavirus state of emergency in the western Japan prefectures at the end of this month.
   The two prefectures will join Osaka Prefecture in requesting the early lifting of the emergency. The governors of the three prefectures will make the request to economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura on Tuesday afternoon.
   At present, the emergency, the second of its kind in Japan, is in place in 10 prefectures also including Tokyo. The measure is currently slated to continue until March 7.
   The three prefectures have their own criteria for seeking an end to the emergency, including those related to the number of new infections and the hospital bed occupancy rate. All of the criteria have been met or are about to be met.
   Kyoto Governor Takatoshi Nishiwaki and Hyogo Governor Toshizo Ido have made clear that restaurants and bars in their prefectures will continue to be asked to shorten their operating hours, although not as much as now, even if the emergency is lifted.


