2021.02.17 18:54Nation

20年旅行消費、半減の9.8兆円 コロナで過去最低

 旅行消費額は緊急事態宣言が発出された4~6月期に前年同期比83.2%減と大幅に落ち込んだ。7月に政府の観光需要喚起策「Go To トラベル」が始まったものの、7~9月期は56.6%減、10~12月期は46.5%減と、消費を大きく押し上げるには至らなかった。(2021/02/17-18:54)

2021.02.17 18:54Nation

Japan 2020 Travel Spending Down 54 Pct to 9.8 T. Yen

Spending on domestic trips by Japanese people fell 54.9 pct from the previous year to 9,898.2 billion yen last year amid the novel coronavirus epidemic, government data have shown.
   The total number of domestic travelers dropped 50.3 pct to 291.77 million, according to the results of a survey released by the Japan Tourism Agency on Wednesday.
   Both the spending and traveler numbers hit the lowest levels since 2010, when the survey in the current format began.
   Domestic travel spending plunged 83.2 pct year on year in April-June 2020, during which Japan implemented its first COVID-19 state of emergency.
   The government started its Go To Travel discount program in July. But travel spending incurred a 56.6 pct year-on-year drop in July-September and a 46.5 pct decline the next quarter.


