2021.02.17 20:56Nation

炭素価格付け、今夏に中間整理 経産省研究会が初会合


2021.02.17 20:56Nation

METI Starts Discussions on Carbon Pricing

Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry started Wednesday full-fledged discussions on "carbon pricing" measures to have companies and individuals to pay for greenhouse gases they emit, by holding the first meeting of a study panel.
   The panel is scheduled to sort out issues in summer and wrap up the discussions by the end of this year, hoping to pave the way for Japan to realize carbon neutrality by 2050 as declared by Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga.
   Specifically, members will discuss merits and demerits of taxing emissions, introducing a carbon cap-and-trade scheme to allow emission quota purchases and imposing "carbon border adjustment measures," or carbon tariffs, on imports from countries with insufficient measures against global warming.
   At the meeting, a member from the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry opposed introduction of any system that forces businesses to shoulder additional burdens.
   But one expert called for a shift to a competitive industrial structure so that companies can bear such additional burdens.


